Yes, Im still on the trail

I am still on the trail as of June 2nd. I really havent been motivated to write anything on my blog for some reason. The last thing that I want to do honestly is write after a long day. I will update it soon! As of right now I am at mile 640 and getting... Continue Reading →

PCT Day 39

We are back on the road by 10am and heading to a spot where the PCT crosses the 2 highway about 3 miles from where we left the trail a couple days ago. When we reached the trail we all thought that we were going to do a 20 mile day. Nope.. We did 6,... Continue Reading →

PCT Day 38

Zero day. Took the group disc golfing at Oak Grove in Pasadena. Then relaxed, handled supply, relaxed some more, ate a really bitchen home cooked meal. Not a lot else to talk about. My legs were feeling better, at least I thought they were.

PCT Day 37

It was nice not having to get up too early this morning. Forsure I wasn't the only one to fell this way as most of the camp was still setup by 9am and everyone still in their tents. Peeled my quilt off of my scab, crawled out of my tent and grabbed my food bag... Continue Reading →

PCT Day 36

An early morning starts this day. As the sun rises, we all pack up our gear, met at a table and have a very quick breakfast. Soon we will start the climb up Baden Powell. Baden Powell sits at 9,406 feet. Its the second high peak going North on the PCT, the first being San... Continue Reading →

PCT Day 35

Today the plan is to have a short hike to the base of Mt Baden Powell. I wake up kinda late ( 8am ), pack my bag. I tell everyone in the cabin that I am going to head down to the store and see if I can find a ride back to the trail... Continue Reading →

PCT Day 34

I get an early ride back up to Wrightwood to reconnect with my trail family. The last two days were great, spent time with one of my closest friends, took a hike in my old stomping grounds, but there was something missing.. the trail. As I sit in the passenger seat of the van, heading... Continue Reading →

PCT Days 32 and 33

Zeros.. Spent some time with my great friend, took a hike in my old training grounds and ate good food. Not a lot to talk about. Spent a lot of time just relaxing and enjoying the time off.

PCT Day 31

We all wake at the Silverwood campground, slowly come to life and pack up. Got a fire going and we all reheated our left over pizza up on the camp grill. I arranged to have one of my friends come and pick us up from the site. There was a lot of off trail stuff... Continue Reading →

PCT Day 30

Hit the trail at 7am. Today's goal is Silverwood Campgrounds. There is a pizza delivery place we hear about that will send food to that spot right off trail. Today's hike is sponsored by pizza and salads. Mentally after last night being horrible, my head was only thinking about having real food. 12.6 miles, I... Continue Reading →

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