Its 2019 and

It has been a while since my last entry, my bad. I have been prepping and prepping for the Pacific Crest Trail thru hike. Updates! I did get my permit and it is for March 18th! I have also squared away a lot of business in the last month. The hike is happening and the... Continue Reading →

Sh*t just got real

Today was one of the biggest steps forward in my life that I have ever taken. November 14th at 10:30am has been the mantra that I have been speaking silently to myself for the last few months. That is the date and time that the permit application process begins for thousands of wanna be thru-hikers,... Continue Reading →

Bears! Bears everywhere

I'm laying in my tent right now heading into day 3 of an adventure in my local mountains and I'm trying to sleep after a long day of elevation gain. My brain and ears won't ever shut off. *snap* must be a bear! *rustle* yep! that's a bear alright! The truth is that it's probably... Continue Reading →

The Start…

I'm not a writer, nor do I claim I even enjoy writing. Regardless, I have to start somewhere. My story is long and full of loops. It's been one hell of a roller coaster ride the last 20 years and just hell the last 2. I feel that my story can be broken into a... Continue Reading →

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